Fashion & media mogul: Katrina Jojkity
Beatrix Tsang:"Katrina, how would you describe yourself and your career-focus?"
Katrina Jojkity:"I am a fashion designer and media entrepreneur who loves the colour pink! I never give up. I believe in getting the most out of life! I have fifteen years of industry experience in the fashion, media and marketing sectors worldwide. I was born in Australia and I studied Fashion Design in Paris and further extended my studies into marketing in London and L.A., getting a second degree in Fashion Marketing. I recently completed my PhD in Media and Communication at Melbourne's RMIT University, focusing on what lies ahead in media and entertainment."EndFragment

"I address areas such as content marketing and branded video content, exploring how small business owners, universities, organisations as well as communications, brand and marketing managers, can use video content to increase the amount of ‘clicks’ they receive for their corporate content in order to inform or increase sales leads. I am inspired by inspirational women who
(below: Katrina interviewing a designer at Shanghai Fashion Week)EndFragment

fight for what they want and get the MOST out of life!"
BT:"What is it that keeps you interested in the fashion world?" KJ:"Everyone wears clothes every day and fashion is a multi-billion dollar business that will always exist. It is a very competitive business but it can also be very creative and it takes a lot of 'smarts' to get it right."
BT: "What do you think of Fashion Bloggers?" KJ: "If they are intelligent and have something interesting to add, I think why not?" (below: Katrina Jojkity signing copies of her book, "Clothes make the Man: Dress for Success.")

KJ:"Integrating my background in fashion and marketing, currently I also run a creative media company that develops creative digital content in Europe, Asia and Australia. The name of my company is Tiszai Creative ( Since I started in 1999, I have been the executive producer for innovative,
reality-based, factual, fashion, lifestyle television programs including 'Luxe Shanghai' which is a luxury lifestyle in-flight TV show and "INSPIRATION" which is a Women’s TV program you can find at "EndFragment

"I have developed and created two lingerie brands, 'O Amante and Aurelia,' plus a children’s wear range called ‘The Red Balloon’ and a women’s wear label, 'The Queen of Ding Xi Lu' and also an accessories brand known as 'Yuka Accessories,' to sell internationally." (below: One of Katrina's fashion labels, The Queen of Ding Xi Lu)EndFragment

META DATA DATA BT:"What else have you been working on? What is next?" KJ:"I'm working on launching a new online store called 'The Fashion Hunter' and currently, I also write a weekly blog post for I write articles about Australian fashion and lifestyle. The online store will be linked to and will feature cutting edge designs, unique fashions, accessories and jewellery, designed by young talented new designers

META DATA DATA BT:"How long did you live in China? What made you stay for all those years?"
KJ:"I lived in Shanghai for five years and now, I travel back and forth from Melbourne Australia, to China, from time to time. I loved living in Shanghai; it is an amazing city full of possibilities and actually, I met my Italian husband in Shanghai, so it will always hold a special place in my heart."
BT:"How would you describe the current fashion trends in China?"
KJ:"I think that the style in China is evolving rapidly. When I first moved to Shanghai in 2005, things were very different. Nowadays the Chinese customer wants innovative, unique deigns from all over the world and that is why I am developing the Fashion Hunter website. Things are changing although there needs to be more independent, multi-brand stores who will support and buy young designers."
(below: Katrina's book, "Dress for Success: Clothes make the Man," is a bi-lingual English/Chinese guide for guys who want to take their fashion style to the next level. Katrina wrote the book while working as a fashion and media consultant in Shanghai.)

BT:"Who is your favorite designer?"
StartFragmentKJ:"Diane von Furstenberg, as she is a woman designing fabulous clothes for real women!" (above: Katrina interviewing designers while wearing her favourite label, Diane von Furstenberg)EndFragment
BT:"What should a young designer do to better prepare themselves to compete in the market?" KJ:"The fashion industry is an extremely difficult industry to work in. There is a lot of competition and the market is oversaturated. Plus it is not as glamorous as it may seem, although saying that, if you do work hard and find your niche, you can become successful." BT:"Is there any obvious or potential areas to explore?"
KJ:"Finding a niche market is key." BT:"Do you have a motto you'd like to share with us?" KT:"Yes, I do. It's basically my philosophy which is, in a nutshell, (below: Katrina Jojkity and her fashion-pack know what's next in style trends and media.)

this: It is important to FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS and to keep moving forward." Interview by Beatrix Tsang