Opinion: Should Australia have a Bill of Rights? by Christina M. Morrison
Central to the discussion of whether or not it would behoove Australia to incorporate a
Bill of Rights (1) into our current legislative system is really a question as to if (and if so, how)
our nation would benefit from this approach, (or whether incremental improvements to our
current constitutional system would be a better approach.)

While the incorporation of a Bill of Rights typically, (at least on a superficial level, in terms of
international public relations,) may seem to raise the profile of a country’s administrative
reputation, via the suggestion that bills of rights better-equip the general public with greater
knowledge of their rights as citizens, the idea of transferring systems that appear to be effective
in some nations to other legislative arenas (and then simply expecting transferred approaches to
be equally effective, sans necessary adaptations,) is presumptuous and facile. What is more
realistic, (in terms of Comparative Law analyses,) is to address the necessity for incorporating
tailor made, prudent changes within the existing legislative system of Australia, (while
responding, as and when appropriate,) to the lego-cultural environment currently in place. For
1 Legal Information Institute, 'Bill of Rights;' https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-14/overview-of-incorporation-of-the-bill-of-rights
Australia, not only lego-culturally, but also from a legislative perspective, this means the idea of
directly transferring the version of the Bill of Rights (as is currently in use in, for example, the
United States of America,) and attempting to implement this approach (instead of the current
Westminster-esque legislation of Australia,) would be an unnecessary and therefore, flagrantly
expensive (for Australian taxpayers, in terms of funding a referendum,) and ultimately, counter-
productive idea.
That being said, the currently dire state of many aspects of Australia’s human rights
record (2) must and can be rectified - not via the direct transference of a Bill of Rights - but via
judicious and lego-culturally appropriate changes to the Australian constitution and to state and
Federal laws, on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, while Australian law currently may not offer
enough human rights safeguards for citizens, inserting a Bill of Rights into our administration is
not necessarily a panacea for this matter. What would work, instead, would be addressing
specific aspects of our legislation on a state-by-state basis (while retaining and gradually
improving our current administrative system.) Our existing human rights issues are too dire to
have time potentially wasted by conducting a referendum which, for the general public,
2 Gillian Triggs, 'The Case for a Charter of Rights in Australia' (Transcript of a Speech Delivered at the Melbourne
Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, 2018).
would be costly, confusing 3 and ultimately, redundant. The more expedient and therefore
effective approach is to continue to adapt our existing common law, constitutional legislation
(which already honours a number of human rights, which are embedded within existing
legislature. 4 )
ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ 3 ABC News, 'Why the Voice Failed'; (Web Page, 16 October 2023)
ABC news reports frequently indicate that for many Australians, the reason for the
failure of the ‘Yes’ vote in the most recent referendum was a ‘lack of engagement.’
That is, the content of the referendum proved overwhelmingly confusing for many Australians
(whom are still frequently working several jobs to recover financially after the Covid pandemic of 2020 and therefore may not typically have additional time available to
confidently research complex referendum matters.) A case in point is the honest-to-
goodness response from a Sydney bricklayer, as reported by ABC journalists, in stating
that he found the tenets of the ‘Voice to Parliament’ referendum overwhelmingly
‘...a bricklayer in Sydney, who didn’t want to give his name, told the ABC he had heard,
‘basically nothing about (the ‘Voice’ debate-details.) stating,
‘I hear all the time on the news [about] voting ‘Yes,’ but what are we voting ‘Yes’ for?’
he wondered.’
4 Keith A Thompson, 'Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law' (Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd, 2022)
____________________ The most recent referendum (in 2023) also indicates most Australian citizens currently do
not always possess the bandwidth (frequently through little fault of their own and moreso as a
grave and timely comment against the current quality of our own education system, let alone
the confusion added by media bias) to confidently inform themselves to vote from an
informed perspective.) Clearly, the current gaps in the Australian public education system
regarding often basic understanding of current political issues and the question of how to
therefore empower and equip Australian citizens to make genuinely informed decisions when
voting in referendums is of urgent concern.
Put simply, with the urgency of particular states’ matters at hand, (for example, the Northern
Territory's issues regarding safety in Alice Springs in March/April, 2024,) (5) necessitates that, for now, at least, the most effective response to governance is to continue to allow state leaders to curate legislation and enact (when necessary,) options such as curfews and other choices (relating to declaring states of emergency,) as and when needed. Clearly, this would be a more time-effective option as opposed to spending years and billions in attempting to firstly educate the public and then conduct another (possibly, inaccurate) referendum in an attempt to instate a Bill of Rights, poste haste.
 5 Northern Territory Government, 'Alice Springs Emergency Declaration' (Web Page)
____________________ More urgent matters at hand in Australia demand that we retain our current system but offer
leaders the option to create updated legislation as needed, within the current parameters of the
Australian constitution.
Evidently, (when able to comment anonymously) the general public of Australia admit to
being (according to sources such as the ABC news article’s findings,) frequently (and
understandably,) overwhelmed, disconnected from and under-informed by the intricacies
involved with many political issues. If the 2023 referendum is any indication, the level
of complexity involved with explaining and ensuring the majority of the population
genuinely have adequate preparation and information presented objectively and in Plain English,
in a manner which is accessible and does not require time-consuming additional research from
already time-pressed Australians whom are currently indicating that they are over-worked,
under-paid and more time-pressed than at many other points in history. How, then, could most
Australians be expected to glean an in-depth comprehension of exactly how a Bill of Rights may
present a federal approach to understanding citizens’ rights, when our current approach is,
evidently, more practical?
Conversely, the fact that the gay marriage vote was successfully carried, (also via a
referendum,) is an indication that when a topic is clear enough for the general public to grasp, amidst their busy schedules, (6) a clear outcome can indeed be found. This indicates that obviously,
there is a time and place for implementing referendums for decision-making in
Australia, however, the need is also clear for presenting information for votes in a manner which
offers clarity, brevity and clear directives regarding outcomes.
To create such a succinct and seamless presentation to implement a federal Bill of Rights would
potentially take years and as mentioned, millions of dollars, (7) to conduct, with a possible lack of
clarity for voters regarding the consequences of either outcome. Serving the public’s current
6 Roy Morgan, 'Over Two-Thirds of Working Australians Have Had Their Employment Impacted by the Coronavirus
Crisis;' (Web Page) https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/over-two-thirds-of-working-australians-have-had-their-
7 As to the exorbitant cost of the ‘Voice to Parliament’ referendum? This comment from
political commentator, Pat Anderson, sums up what many individuals, from both sides of
the debate, feed about the expense and the ensuing, comparative silence about the
‘They just spent $9 million [on] that process (of conducting the ‘Voice’ referendum)
and they just said (that now) (the government representatives don’t) even want to talk about it.’ ____________________ needs based on our current system is clearly the most practicable option at this point in time.
Meanwhile, proponents of governance conducted via implementation of a Bill of Rights
promulgate the idea that bills of rights may more closely honour citizens’ human rights (as per
the United Nations’ guidelines.) Without a national Bill of Rights, a country’s leadership can
more rapidly make decisions (as demonstrated in Australia during the Covid 19 pandemic, in
which Prime Minister Scott Morrison gave each state what can comparatively be identified as
carte blanche to respond to their constituencies’ needs as they saw fit, precipitating, for example,
the controversial choice of Senator Daniel Andrews to declare, an unprecedented ‘State of
Emergency,’) as they deem appropriate, in a manner which would be much more difficult were
Australia to possess federal governance under a Bill of Rights.
The effectiveness, therefore, of leaders’ capability in decision-making processes in
countries without bills of rights, needs to be of a level of certainty which makes the appointment
of suitable leaders an even greater imperative than usual. That is, in countries in which
governance is conducted via bills of rights, citizens cannot be as readily commanded to follow
certain legislation (for example, following sudden curfews,) without the idea being firstly
debated in parliament/congress. At the same time, one may well muse as to whether or not having a Bill of Rights genuinely
benefits jurisdictions (such as the United States.) Protecting freedom is a lofty ideal on the one
hand and, on paper, sounds like a reasonable option. That being said, when Jefferson wrote the
Bill of Rights, the most powerful ammunition at the time was a musket. What we then have,
problematically, in the United States in 2024, is a gun culture posing unprecedented peril for the
general population, in a manner which would have surely appalled Jefferson were he to witness
how risky the literal interpretation of the ‘right to bear arms’ (8) has become.
The American Bill of Rights needs to be updated to render it more easily altered in order
for it to retain contemporary relevance, lest it become a parody of itself. In practice, however,
the current crime statistics (for example, drive-by shootings, disparate gun laws, plus alarming
cases of human trafficking in the USA) indicate that the so-called ‘freedoms’ stipulated within
the Bill of Rights indicate that in many aspects, citizens can, at worst, take the interpretation of
these freedoms as an excuse to run rampant. With that in mind, responses to this conundrum,
from people such as conservative political commentator and journalist, Candace Owens,
regularly polarise the public. There are those whom view Owens’ centrist-right-wing
8 Philip Cook, Mark Moore and Anthony Braga, 'Gun Control' (John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
University, 2000). ____________________
perspective on current issues to err on the extreme. |
Identifying as an African-American, Owens frequently comments negatively towards the
‘Black Lives Matter’ movement, directly criticising the rioting and looting during recent times.
Polarising her fans and detractors with equally passionate responses, political
commentator Owens identifies that the majority of Americans interpret the Bill of Rights in a
typically self-serving manner, which Owens believes would dismay the founding fathers of the
USA were they privy to the current state of affairs. Owens states that when citizens whom, upon
arrest, identified themselves as ‘African-American’ by way of attempting to avoid being charged
with trespass and theft during riots (around the ‘BLM’ movement,) make a mockery of the
essence of the intention behind the Bill of Rights.
Curiously, record numbers of individuals from the United States and other countries are currently
aiming to relocate to safer places like Australia to avoid the risk of being, for example, a drive-
by fatality or a school-shooting statistic. Clearly, having a Bill of Rights, which seems to serve
the revenue-garnering NRA more than citizens’ right to safety makes the current interpretation of
the American Bill of Rights seems redundant in comparison with the Australian ‘Washminster’
system, (being a colloquial term referring to the fact that in Australia, there is something of a hybrid system of governance, based on a mix of the styles found in Washington and Westminster.) ____________________
Americans are voting with their feet and currently aiming to relocate to Australia in record
numbers; others are choosing to home-school their children as a response to the current
state of danger identified in many American schools due to the fact that the Bill of Rights is not being updated to curtail fatalities connected to the current gun laws. That is, until and/or unless the United States Administration chooses to conduct the necessary steps to change the Bill of Rights / Constitution, it is likely that the NRA will simply continue to sit back and collect billions of dollars in annual revenue, off the back of needless statistics, all the while
paying lip-service to the idea of honouring freedom, under the ‘right to bear arms.’
Without curating and updating the Bill of Rights to acknowledge that, compared with muskets,
the power of today’s AK47 firearms, for example, poses dangers beyond comparison, renders
the updating of the Bill of Rights a matter of urgency. Otherwise, American politics will
continue to become, (heartbreakingly for the general population,) increasingly farcical.
Evidently, instilling a Bill of Rights does not, in itself, necessarily protect citizens’ right
to a peaceful society, nor is it a panacea for creating an harmonious society. Indeed, with that
in mind, one could query if it may benefit the citizens of the United States to have an
Australian-style, ‘Wash-minster’ administration? (9)
9 Anderson, J., Understanding Australian Legislation, (Harper Collins, Sydney, 2024). ____________________
At the same time, this is by no means to suggest that our system is infallible. Clearly, our
human rights record needs (particularly regarding First Nations’ rights being honoured,)
urgent review. To change to governance with a Bill of Rights may seem to present
several attractive possibilities, (such as the notion that citizens are more likely to be aware of
their rights in general when a Bill of Rights is in place, thus potentially mitigating the risk of
corruption in the application of authority.) However, the disadvantages clearly outweigh
the benefits.
Firstly, the process of changing our system would require a referendum, (which, as
mentioned, is a process proving to be often exorbitantly costly to taxpayers.) Alongside cost, the
complexity of the tenets within Comparative Law may make it a potentially
overwhelming objective for the general population to be clearly informed as to the pros
and cons of a Bill of Rights so that they can feel genuinely equipped to vote confidently in a
Referendum on this topic. Already stipulated in our current Australian constitution, instead, is
the preferable option for maintaining (and, ideally, constantly improving,) our current
system, while continuing to empower each state (in the manner already existing in
Victoria, Queensland and the ACT,) a bespoke-style charter of human rights, (which is tailor-
made to suit the current socio-economic demographics of each state.) Clearly, this would
appear to be the most cost-effective, prudent and practicable approach at this point in time.
That being said, this certainly does not mean that our approach to human rights in general does not require review, (with recent examples indicating the urgency for change in Australia
in terms of our approach to honouring human rights.)
Additionally, many of Australia’s historical breaches of internationally recognised human
rights guidelines are, justifiably, a source of national shame and hopefully, incentive for us to
create a culture of continuous and timely improvement. Plus, we need to ensure that by offering
each state the veto to curate their own versions of rights to suit their own electorates, we
do not inadvertently create rogue states in which extreme choices may end up negatively
impacting on citizens’ safety levels, (for example, state leaders allowing students to bring
their own ceremonial Sikh swords to school, on campus, as a nod to cultural rights in
Queensland, which may end up, unfortunately, proving to be an unsafe choice, putting citizens
at risk.) Interestingly, this legislation was passed within the state of Queensland without any
reference to precedents from U.K. legislation, indicating that the current interpretation of
Australian constitutional law offers enough flexibility to empower our state leaders to govern
sans constant referral to the Commonwealth for guidance. Whether we end up regretting this
level of flexibility remains to be seen; the strength, for now, however, seems expedience and the
ability to govern responsively to the socio-economic trends occurring in our states at any given
point in time, without unnecessarily extended debate and therefore, delay.
By the same token, introducing a Bill of Rights to Australia at this point in time would clearly be a redundant, expensive (as it would firstly require confirmation via a referendum) and
ultimately, unnecessary step.
Moving forward, what may ultimately benefit other nations is to consider adopting the
Westminster (or a hybrid, ‘Washminster’) model as per Australia’s current administration.
When we consider the many aspects of honouring human rights that are currently
working better than may be expected in Australia (eg the right to vote, the right to gay marriage,
the moves towards gender parity in the workplace, the focus on ending violence against women,
plus our improving treatment of refugees,) we can see that, comparatively, Australia’s more
recent approaches to human rights is better than many nations at present (eg compared with
Iran’s treatment of homosexuals, and the Taliban’s treatment of women regarding education,
for example, plus the lack of genuine action to curtail gun violence in the USA from the
current Washington administration,) clearly, while Australia’s track record is not perfect, it
could clearly be much worse.
Evidently, the number of individuals seeking to relocate to Australia offers insight into the fact
that our current system seems to create outcomes which are internationally extremely popular
and typically, offer a comparatively safe society for Australian citizens.
That being said, as discussed, we neither can afford to ignore the urgency of action to be
taken to mitigate the worsening of the standards of living regarding Australia’s First
Nations / Indigenous communities. Clearly, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders needs
require immediate attention and historically, white Australia’s treatment of Indigenous
individuals is, accurately, considered a shameful blight upon our historical human rights record. Interestingly, the fact that we do NOT currently have a Bill of Rights in place empowers
places (such as the Northern Territory, in co-governance of Alice Springs,) to implement
‘State of Emergency’ actions which would be much more challenging to execute under a
Bill of Rights.)
As it stands, the ‘Emergency Powers,’ with which, under the Australian Constitution and
as stipulated by (then) Prime Minister Scott Morrison, were possible under the
extenuating circumstances as identified by (then) Premier Daniel Andrews, in accordance
with the parameters set out by the Public Health and Wellbeing Act, which allows for
curated and judicious implementation of these powers as and when deemed necessary by state
leaders at a given time.
With that in mind, we can consider the current curfew put in place in Alice Springs as a
response to public chaos and disorder (including threats to human safety) following what
may be tensions based on discord between two families. That is, the ensuing chaos in the
city of Alice Springs indicates that there may be a generalised lack of order and lack of
resources in the area to quell the possibility of such outbreaks of (primarily, street-style)
violence. This instance exemplifies the efficacy of our current legislation (as compared
with the American interpretation of a Bill of Rights.) The fact that the Northern Territory’s Chief Minister Eva Lawler was able to swiftly implement a curfew (in the
interests of protecting not only innocent citizens of Alice Springs, but also in the interest
of protecting the safety of youths involved in unrest,) is a sterling example of how our
current legislation offers a state-by-state, case-by-case response to what may be deemed
‘emergency’ situations. Any Australians querying the move from Chief Minister Lawler is
invited to compare the relatively effective curfew with the lengthy and heartbreakingly
unnecessary rioting, looting and generalised violence experienced by cities affected by
unrest in the USA. That is, in the same way the greatest critics of First Nations/Aboriginal Australians’ behaviours are often from within Aboriginal-identified
groups themselves, the harshest critics of racially-charged behaviours in the USA are also
frequently from amongst those also self-identifying as African-American.
Empirically speaking, the comparison shows that the ‘State of Emergency’ powers enabled by
the Australian Constitution are currently equipping authorities - including police -
with more effective options to respond to public violence in a manner which the
American Bill of Rights cannot currently match in terms of effectiveness, under current
USA legislation. Would installing a Bill of Rights offer a solution, however, which would be relevant to
the state-by-state needs of each part of Australia? Or would it be more appropriate to instead
continue to empower each state to offer curated responses on a state-by-state basis (while
obviously following overarching federal laws,) to respond on a tailor-made basis to the
needs of each jurisdiction’s specific needs (for example, with the recent curfew being
promulgated in Alice Springs indicating the efficacy of a state-based leadership decision, in
which the Northern Territory’s leadership are empowered to instate a clearly necessary curfew
which, under a Bill of Rights leadership system, would not have been possible. Were that
the case, the wave of violence in Alice Springs may well continue, therefore continuing
to endanger citizens from all backgrounds in a manner which many Indigenous citizens
also openly oppose.) Chief Minister Eva Lawler implemented, on 27th March, 2024, a curfew (despite some opposition as to whether such a move may be unlawful, and in breach of human rights.)
Legally speaking, however, the Minister’s decision is indeed in keeping with the terms
and conditions stipulated under the provisions of the Northern Territory of Australia
Emergency Management Act 2013 (10) and has garnered support not only from the majority of
Alice Springs citizens but also several Aboriginal Elders whom support
Minister Lawler’s decision.
At this juncture, let us be clear that this type of affirmative action would be impossible
under a Bill of Rights, leading political commentators such as African-American
Conservative, Candace Owens, to comment that the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement may
exacerbate already disenfranchised youths into committing excessive violence while
assuming that the Bill of Rights protects them from taking accountability for their own
actions. Therefore, having a Bill of Rights is no guarantee of creating greater harmony in
society, including and especially in racially-charged scenarios; indeed, by
overstating/misinterpreting their own Bill of Rights, it would seem that the current
political climate in administrations such as the United States’ may see sectors of the
community incite violence under the misguided impression that their Bill of Rights
somehow enables them and/or absolves them from taking full responsibility for their
actions in certain cases.
10 The Emergency Management Act 2013 s18(1) empowers authorised officer(s) to act with the authority of special
powers, during a state of emergency or disaster and refers to an approved emergency plan which means a plan
approved under sections 10(3), 13(2) or 16(2) of the Act. ____________________ The provisions of the Act are a caveat deeming the current curfew for Alice Springs indeed, lawful, as per the provisions of the Act and in response to current damage to property
and potential threats to human safety in the Alice Springs city centre, (which may be,
according to Michael Murphy, Northern Territory police commissioner, connected to
‘family feuds,’ having ‘erupted in Alice Springs.’ (11)
In all, these recent examples make it abundantly clear that at this point in time,
transferring a Bill of Rights style of governance to Australia’s very regionally-specific
jurisdictions is not necessary nor realistic. We can be justifiably proud of the comparative
efficacy of our current Westminster-based legislative administration and the fact that, in
comparison with the track records showing current approaches to protecting human rights, the
ranking of Australia (in terms of honouring citizens’ rights,) is currently amongst the top ten,
internationally. Naturally, this needn’t lull us into a false sense of security regarding our (as
compared with Canada, for example,) reprehensible approach to certain sectors’ needs (with the
specific and urgent requirements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders being front and centre
of what should be our human rights priorities at this juncture.) That being said, our
constitution and our legislative systems could indeed, be much worse; we can take solace
from our increasing ranking as a nation that is actively and – in general – transparently
addressing her many strengths and weaknesses as promptly as possible, without the need for
implementing a Bill of Rights.
11 Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 'Youth Curfew in High-Risk Area Alice Springs' (WebPage, 3 April 2024) https://pfes.nt.gov.au/newsroom/2024/youth-curfew-high-risk-area-alice-springs
A Articles/Books/Reports
Anderson, J., Understanding Australian Legislation, (Harper Collins, Sydney, 2024)
Derham, Maher, Waller, An Introduction to Law, (8th ed, LBC Information Services, Pyrmont,
Cook, Philip, Mark Moore and Anthony Braga. Gun Control. John F. Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University, 2000
Johns, Leigh A H, 'Justice Kirby, Human Rights and the Exercise of Judicial Choice' (2001)
27(2) Monash University Law Review 223
Fong C, Australian Legal Citation. A Guide (Prospect, Sydney, 1998);
Fong C and Edwards A, Australian and New Zealand Legal Abbreviations (2nd ed, Australian
Law Librarians Group, Sydney, 1995);
Fox and Freiberg's Sentencing: State and Federal Law in Victoria, (3rd ed, Thomson Reuters,
Sydney, 2014);
Melbourne University Law Review Association, Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4th ed,
Melbourne University Law Review Association, Melbourne, 2023);
Rozenberg P, Australian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (LBC Information Services, Sydney,
Stuhmcke A, Legal Referencing (2nd ed, Butterworths, North Ryde, 2001);
Wolski B, Legal Skills, Thomson Lawbook Co., 2006;
Prince M, Prince’s Biebers Dictionary of Legal Citations (6th ed, Hein, Buffalo NY, 2001);
James N, Field R, Walkden-Brown J, The New Lawyer, (2024);
Thompson Keith A., Current Issues in Australian Constitutional Law, Connor Court Publishing
Pty Ltd Shepherd Street Press, 2022, pp. 196 -197;
Triggs, Gillian. 'The Case for a Charter of Rights in Australia.' Transcript of a Speech Delivered
at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, 2018.
Joelle De Saint, Kathleen Raponi and Catherine O’Sullivan, Foundations of Australian Law and
Legal Writing, 2022, LexisNexis Australia;
Chesterman C and Rhodin C, Studying Law at University (Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1999);
Cook C, Creyke R, Geddes R and Holloway I, Laying Down the Law (5th ed, Butterworths,
North Ryde, 2001);
Cross, Statutory Interpretation, (3rd ed, Butterworths, North Ryde, 1995);
Ellis E, Principles and Practice of Law (Thomson/Lawbook Co., Sydney, 2005);
Hutchinson T, Research and Writing in Law (Lawbook Co., Sydney, 2002);
Nemes I and Coss G, Effective Legal Research (Butterworths, North Ryde, 1998);
Watt R, Concise Legal Research (5th ed, Federation Press, Sydney, 2004.)
Craddock, Caroline Kay,
‘Freedom of Education and the Era of the Rights of the Child: Can They Coexist?’
Master's thesis, Harvard Extension School, 2020.
B Case Law
Foster v The Queen [1993] HCA
R v Bodsworth [1968] NSW
Miller v The Queen [2016] HCA 30 - 259 CLR 380
C Legislation
The Public Health and Wellbeing Act (Vic) 2008
Crimes Act 1958 ss 457, 458, 459, 459A, 461, 462A, 464K, 464R, 464S, 464SA, 464T
Evidence Act (Vic) 2008 s.89
Criminal Procedure Act (Vic) 2009 s.106, s.104(1), s.104(2), s.85(3)(b)(ii)
Magistrates Court Act, s.62, s.63-65
Emergency Management Act (Northern Territory) 2013, s.18(1)
1975 Anti-Vilification Law
Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (Vic) 2006 s.25
Racial Discrimination Act 1975, s 18C and 18D
(being the Act which deems it illegal to show bias and/or negative treatment of anyone due to
their ethnicity ;)
The controversial practice was thrust into the spotlight in 2016 after footage emerged of spit
hoods being used on children in the Northern Territory's Don Dale detention centre
Sections 18C and 18D were introduced in response to recommendations of major inquiries
including the National Inquiry into Racist Violence and the Royal Commission into Aboriginal
Deaths in Custody.
D Other
ABC News, 'Why the Voice Failed' (Web Page, 16 October 2023)
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the
United Nations on 19 December 1966;
Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding Observations: Australia, 60th sess, UN Doc
CRC/C/AUS/CO/4 (28 August 2012);
Legal Information Institute, 'Bill of Rights' (Web Page)
Supreme Court of Victoria, Factsheet: William Barak (1824-1903)
United Nations General Assembly, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, GA Res 217A (III),
UN GAOR, 3rd sess, 183rd plen mtg, UN Doc A/810 (10 December 1948)
Northern Territory Government, 'Alice Springs Emergency Declaration' (Web Page)
Roy Morgan, 'Over Two-Thirds of Working Australians Have Had Their Employment Impacted
by the Coronavirus Crisis' (3 April 2024) <https://www.roymorgan.com/findings/over-two-
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 'Youth Curfew in High-Risk Area Alice
Springs' (Web Page, 3 April 2024) https://pfes.nt.gov.au/newsroom/2024/youth-curfew-high-
Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory.